Endometriosis Awareness

Endometriosis Awareness
Endometriosis Awareness

What is endometriosis?

Pelvic pain, whether it occurs in men or women, is serious business. In too many women, it is put down to ‘just’ period pains.

They are made to feel that because they have a period, they need to put up with excessive pain that can, in some cases, derail their lives. Given that most women will have a period on a fairly regular cycle until they hit their 50s, period pain should not be taken lightly.

Endometriosis is a common cause of period pain. In it, the cells that line the uterus (endometrial cells) end up outside of the uterus as they are flushed out with bleeding.

They can end up anywhere in the abdomen (bladder, bowel, liver). For some women, the body has an excessive response to these cells that are in the wrong spot. It sets off a cascade of inflammation and pain, along with an array of other symptoms depending on how deeply the tissue is embedded and where. The pain can repeat itself with every menstrual cycle, or even cause problems between cycles.

Pelvic pain related to endometriosis can be treated. It takes time, and effort, on the part of the patient and doctor, to figure what will work best for which symptoms the patient has. I would encourage all women with painful periods and pelvic pain to start having a discussion with their doctors about it. Equally, I would encourage my peers in the medical profession to listen, and help patients find their way towards a solution...sooner rather than later.

By Dr Monique Kanters

Originally published in the SE Voice.

  • Australian College of Rural and Remote Medicine
  • The Royal Austrailian College of General Practitioners
  • Flinders University
  • SA Pathology
  • GPEX
  • QPA